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Return to Blogging

I blogged once.  Nine years ago.  It feels like a lifetime has elapsed between then and now.  So much has changed and so much has remained exactly the same. 

The changes are jobs worked and left. I married my partner of over a decade.  We now have a son. We have moved around Sacramento like a ping pong ball in a competitive table tennis game.  He is facing some serious depression/anxiety that has complicated our life for years and prohibited him from seeing what he is capable of achieving.

I have days where I feel like I am trying to hold myself and my world together by strength of will. I have moments where I want to flee into my imagination--where I want to create an alternate house for us and a whole different environment for my son. It is half a goal and half an escape from my grim reality. It's what I do--what I've always done--tried to fight my demons by creating a safe place inside my own mind. 

My writing can help too, but finding time for it has been challenging. 

Towards this end, I have set up a Patreon. If I can begin to earn money writing, any amount, really, then I can begin to justify time for my writing.   Supporting my Patreon is supporting me, my family, my writing, my future. 

Stay tuned for vignettes and stories, and details about my process.

Welcome to my new blog.


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